Period 5 Review Packet Key Concept 51 Industrialization and Global Integration

Key Concept 5.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism Primal Concept v.1 Industrialization and Global Capitalism

Fundamental Concept 5.1: Industrialization and Global Commercialism: Industrialization fundamentally altered the product of goods around the globe. It not only changed how goods were produced and consumed, besides as what was considered a "skillful," but it also had far-reaching furnishings on the global economy, social relations, and culture. Although information technology is common to speak of an "Industrial Revolution," the process of industrialization was a gradual one that unfolded over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, eventually becoming global.

I. Industrialization fundamentally changed how goods were produced

A. Factors that lead to the rise of industrial production.

  • location on the Atlantic Sea; geographical distribution of coal, iron, timber; European demographic changes; urbanization; improved agricultural productivity; legal protection of private belongings; affluence of rivers and canals; access to foreign resource; accumulation of capital

B. The development of machines, including steam engines  and the internal combustion engine , made it possible to take advantage of vast new resource of energy stored in fossil fuels, specifically coal  and oil . The fossil fuels revolution greatly increased the energy available to man societies.

C. The development of the manufacturing plant system full-bodied labor in a single location and led to an increasing caste of specialization of labor .

D. As the new methods of industrial product became more than common in parts of northwestern Europe, they spread  to other parts of Europe and the United States, Russia, and Japan .

East. The " second industrial revolution " led to new methods in the production of steel , chemicals, electricity and precision machinery during the 2nd one-half of the nineteenth century.

2. New patterns of global trade and product adult and further integrated the global economic system as industrialists sought rawOne thousandaterials and newKarkets (1000&Ms) for the increasing amount and array of goods produced in their factories.

A. The need for raw materials for the factories and increased food supplies for the growing population  in urban centers led to the growth of export economies effectually the world that specialized in commercial extraction of natural resources and the production of nutrient and industrial crops. The profits from these raw materials were used to purchase finished goods.

  • cotton, sugar, guano, safety, wheat, metals, palm oil, meat, diamonds

B. The rapid development of steam powered industrial production in European countries and the U.S. contributed to the increase in these regions' share of global manufacturing during the first Industrial Revolution. While Middle Eastern and Asian countries continued to produce manufactured goods, these regions' share in global manufacturing declined.

C. The global economy of the 19th century expanded dramatically from the previous menstruum due to the increased exchanges of raw materials and finished appurtenances in near parts of the earth. Trade in some commodities was organized in a manner that gave merchants and companies based in Europe and the Usa, a singled-out economic advantage.

  • cotton wool, opium, palm oil, cotton

III. To facilitate investments at all levels of industrial production, financiers developed and expanded various financial institutions.

A. The ideological inspiration for economic changes lies in the evolution of capitalism and classical liberalism associated with Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill .

  • The Wealth of Nations, utilitarianism

B. The global nature of trade and production contributed to the proliferation of large-scale transnational businesses

  • United Fruit Visitor, The HSBC- Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Chiquita

4. In that location weremajor developments and innovations in transportation andcommunication Required examples ofdevelopments in transportation andcommunication.

  • railroads, steamships, telegraphs, canals

V. The development and spread of global commercialism led to a variety of responses.

A. In industrialized states, many workers organized themselves (often into labor unions) to improve working conditions, limit hours, and proceeds higher wage. Workers' movements and political parties emerged in different areas, promoting alternative visions of society.

  • Marxism, Riot

B. In response to the expansion of industrializing states, some governments in Asia and Africa such equally the Ottoman Empire and Qing China , sought to reform and modernize their economies and militaries. Reform efforts were oftentimes resisted by some members of regime or established visions of order, including ( Marxism , Riot ).

C. In a small number of states, governments promoted their own country-sponsored visions of industrialization.

  • Economical reforms of Meiji Japan , Developments of factories and railroads in Tsarist Russian federation , Muhammad Ali's development of cotton textile industry in Arab republic of egypt

D. In response to the social and economic changes brought about past industrial capitalism, some governments promoted various types of political, social, educational, and urban reforms.

  • State pensions and public health in Germany , Expansion of suffrage in Britain , Public Education

Half-dozen. The means in which people organized themselves into societies as well underwent significant transformations in industrialized states due to the key restructuring of the global economic system.

A. New social classes, including the middle class  and the industrial working course , adult.

B. Family unit dynamics, gender roles, and demographics inverse in response to industrialization.

C. Rapid urbanization that accompanied global capitalism often led to unsanitary conditions , as well as to new forms of community.

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